Thursday, February 7, 2019

Why should individuals file income tax return?

A lot of individuals seem to think that filing tax returns is voluntary and therefore dismiss it as unnecessary and burdensome.
Filing tax returns is an annual activity seen as a moral and social duty of every responsible citizen of the country. It is the basis for the government to determine the amount and means of expenditure of the citizens and provides a platform for the assessee to claim refund, among other forms of relief from time to time.
1. Filing returns is a sign you are responsible
The government mandates that individuals who earn a specified amount of annual income must file a tax return within a pre-determined due date. The tax as calculated must be paid by the individual. Failure to pay tax will invite penalties from the Income Tax Department.

Those who earn less than the prescribed level of income can file returns voluntarily.
Filing returns is a sign that you are responsible. Not just that, it also makes it easier for individuals and businesses to enter into subsequent transactions since their income is recorded by the tax department with applicable tax, if any, having been paid
2. Your loan or card company may want to see your return
If you plan to apply for a home loan in future it is a good idea to maintain a steady record of filing returns as the home loan company will most likely insist on it. In fact, you may even consider filing your spouse’s returns if you want to apply for a loan as a co-borrower. Likewise, even credit card companies may insist on proof of return before issuing a card.
Financial institutions may insist on seeing your returns over the past few years before transacting with you. In fact, the government may make it mandatory for them to do so, thereby indirectly attract individuals to file returns regularly even when it’s voluntary.

3. Avoid Penalty & Prosecution Notices

If you are required by the law to file your return, then non-filing can lead to the bombardment of income tax notices from the tax department.
Moreover, if you have deposited any amount in your bank account during the demonetization period or have entered into the high-value transaction, then you must file your Income Tax Return, as the income tax department has launched ‘operation clean money’ and many people who have done such transactions are being questioned.The best way to avoid this situation is to file your income tax return before 31st March 2018 and “Come Clean” in front of the tax department.

4. If you want to claim adjustment against past losses, a return is necessary

Filing returns on time has many advantages regardless of whether you draw the prescribed level of income necessary to file returns.
Various losses incurred by an individual or a business, both speculative as well as non-speculative, short term as well as long term capital losses and various other types of losses not recorded in the tax return in a financial year, cannot be shown for exemption in subsequent years for the purpose of tax calculation. So it’s best to file returns regularly, because you never know when you may want to claim an adjustment against past losses.

5. Claiming refund:

There could be a possibility that there has been tax deducted at source (TDS) on some investment made in the name of the individual. "If TDS has been cut, one will have to file the ITR to claim refund of the same

6. For VISA Processing

In case you are planning on travelling abroad, be advised , foreign consulates ask for upto last three years ITR with your visa application
The Middle East and South East Asian countries are not so stringent, but Europe, Canada, and the US are quite strict about this document.
ITR receipts are proof that the person wishing to travel overseas has an income source in India and does not wish to settle abroad and would return back.
Indian and many foreign consulates recommend that you should carry some of your income proofs such as ITR receipts, Form 16, salary slips, etc. for your overseas travel.

7.ITR is Compulsory if you Own Foreign Assets

As a citizen of India if you own any foreign assets then you are bound to file ITR as per law. This includes overseas bank account. In case you fail to file ITR then it can possibly lead to the fine and is also considered to be an economical offense.

8. Filing returns is mandatory in some cases

·   Even if your income level does not qualify for mandatory filing of returns, it may still be a good idea to voluntarily file returns. In most states, registration of immovable properties requires advancing as proof the tax returns of last three years. Filing returns makes it easier to register the transaction.
·      All of us want our loved ones to be happy even after our death. So, we always want to take as high cover policy.But, these days many insurance companies are adamant about checking your income tax return before providing high life cover in order to verify your annual income.


Friday, February 1, 2019

Insertion of new section 71B

Insertion of new section 71B
Section 71B: Carry forward and set-off of loss from house property.

Where for any assessment year the net result of computation under the head "Income from house property" is a loss to the assessee and such loss cannot be or is not wholly set off against income from any other head of income in accordance with the provisions of section 71B, so much of the loss as has not been so set-off or where he has no income under any other head, the whole loss shall, subject to the other provisions of this Chapter, be carried forward to the following assessment year and—

  (i) be set-off against the income from house property assessable for that assessment year; and
 (ii)  the loss, if any, which has not been set off wholly, the amount of loss not so set off shall be carried forward to the following assessment year, not being more than eight assessment years immediately succeeding the assessment year for which the loss was first computed.

     This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2018 and will, accordingly apply in relation to assessment year 2018-19 and subsequent years.

Let's do it with example how to calculate and carry forward loss from house property from AY 2018-19???

Example :

The following information is given by Mr. Taimur Khan for the Assessment Year 2018-19 are as follows :

Income in Rs.
Expenditure Incurred to earn income in Rs.
Municipal Tax
Interest on borrowed capital
Other Expenses
Bank Interest
Property 1 (Let Out)
Property 2(Self-occupied)
Property 3 (Let out)

Determine the amount of net income for the assessment year 2018-19. He is eligible for deduction of Rs.1,30,000 under section 80C.

-> Solution :

1st we calculate the income from house property :

Property 1
Property 2
Property 3
Gross Annual Value
Less : Municipal Tax
Net Annual Value
Less : Standard deduction
Less : Interest on borrowed capital (In the case of self-occupied property, it cannot exceed Rs.2,00,000)
Income from Property (Total : (-) Rs.2,34,900)
Computation of net income _
Bank Interest
Less : House property loss(House property loss is Rs.2,34,900,amount
Deductible is limited to Rs.2,00,000)
Gross Total Income           
Deduction u/s 80C
Net Income
Note : Unadjusted house property loss of Rs.34,900 will be carry forward for next 8 assessment years.




Finance minister CA Piyush Goyal on Friday presented the much awaited Union Budget in Lok Sabha. Mr. Goyal was appointed interim finance minister on January 23 with Arun Jaitley undergoing treatment in the United States. Here is a look at the main points of the Budget presented by Piyush Goyal.


1. Within 2 years, Tax assessment will be done electronically

2. IT returns processing in just 24 hours
3. Minimum 14% revenue of GST to states by Central Govt.
4. Custom duty has abolished from 36 Capital Goods
5. Recommendations to GST council for reducing GST rates for     home buyers
6. Full Tax rebate upto 5 lakh annual income after all deductions.
7. Standard deduction has increase from 40000 to 50000
8. Exempt on tax on second self-occupied house
9. Ceiling Limit of TDS u/s 194A has increased from 10000 to 40000
10.Ceiling Limit of TDS u/s 194I has increased from 180000 to 240000
11. Capital tax Benefit u/s 54 has increased from investment in one residential house to two residential houses.
12. Benefit u/s 80IB has increased to one more year i.e. 2020
13. Benefit has given to unsold inventory has increased to one year to two years.


1. Rs 6,000 per year assured income support for small and marginal farmers 
2. Farmers having up to 2 hectare of lands will get Rs 6,000 per year in three equal instalment. The scheme will be effective from December 1, 2018.
3. Interest subvention for farm loan takers: Farmers affected by natural calamities to get 2% interest subvention and additional 3% interest subvention upon timely repayment 

4. 2% interest subvention to farmers who pursue animal husbandry, fisheries jobs through Kisaan credit cards 

5. Kamdhenu scheme for animal husbandry 


1.   Rs 60,000 crore for MNREGA
2. Rs 19,000 allocated for construction of rural roads under Gram Sadak yojana


1. Govt to build 1 lakh digital villages 

2. For the welfare of farmers and for doubling their income, historic decision was taken to increase MSP by 1.5 times the production cost for all 22 crops 

3. To ensure cleaner fuel and health assurance, we embarked upon Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, a programme to give 8 crore free LPG connections to rural households, 6 crore connections have been given already 

4. Committee under NITI Aayog to be set up for denotifed nomadic & semi nomadic communities 


1.  Rs 3,000 per year pension for unorganised sector workers 

2. New Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana for unorganised sector workers with income up to Rs 15,000 per month. Beneficiaries will get Rs 3,000 per month pension with a contribution of Rs 100 per month after retirement. Govt allocates Rs 500 crore for the scheme 

3. Gratuity limit increased for workers to Rs 30 lakh 


To build next-gen infrastructure - physical as well as social; 
1.  To build a Digital India that reaches every citizen;

2.  Clean and Green India;
3. Expanding rural industrialization using modern industrial technologies;

4.  Clean Rivers - with safe drinking water to all Indians;

5.  Oceans and coastlines;

6.  India becoming launchpad of the world;

7. Self-sufficiency in food and improving agricultural productivity with emphasis on organic food;

8.  Healthy India;

9. Minimum Government Maximum Governance, with proactive, responsible and friendly bureaucracy 

This is just a trailer of the Budget, which after elections will take India on the path to development _Prime Minister Narendra Modi 

Issues on New Income Tax Portal

Neither easy, nor friendly! Income Tax e-filing new portal continues to face glitches; some features yet not functional The new portal, “htt...